Never Run Out Of Monthly Books To Publish!
Increase Your Royalties Month By Month With This Amazing Template Pack Subscription!
Watch Your Earnings Grow On A Monthly Basis.
Never worry about having to come up with illustrations to publish with my monthly done-for-you template pack!
This Is A Very Limited Time Offer And Can Be Taken Down Any Time, So Act Fast!
I think I speak for most of us, when I say that creating images and illustrations is not so easy and it is very time consuming.
And anyone building a self-publishing business knows the challenges of generating content for their coloring books, over and over again.
For those running a self-publishing business creating printables on Etsy and coloring books on Amazon KDP, I know you want to spend less time creating content and more time focusing on your brand and building your business.
For this reason, I launched the Coloring Book Monthly Membership for $19.99. It gives you 25 fresh, new templates each and every month for less than the price of a Domino’s pizza.
With this premium content, you'll be able to 'scale up' fast!
So What Do You Get Exactly?

Each month, you will get 25 brand-new templates, based on my own research of what sells! So you basically get all the work done for you. My valuable time researching the trending topics + the done-for-you editable templates!
All Of The Above Can Be Yours Right Now For The Incredibly Low Price Of $19.99 a Month!
There's one thing I love, and that's an action taker, so, for a short time, I am offering this large package of templates at the ultra-low monthly price you see above.
But that won't last long, and only the early members will be able to take advantage of this premium offer.
When you join the Coloring Book Monthly Membership you will have 25 fresh, new templates for your coloring books each and every month so that you can scale your business fast.
You can cancel any time, but of course, you won't want to miss the benefits of this done-for-you service.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you on the inside!

P.S. This is your chance to never miss a trend and stay ahead of the competition. Trends change monthly. Don't think twice about this amazing deal!